Chalet Cleaning Services​           PO Box 8673, Edmond, OK 73083

Call For a free phone estimate



Additional Fee for Supplies

Supplies can be furnished upon request.

Equipment & cleaning agents -$9.00

Equipment only - $4.50

Cleaning agents only - $4.50

Estimates are based on Square footage and traffic.


Average 1500 Sq. Ft. home - 3.0 Hrs.

Average 2000 Sq. Ft. home - 4.0 Hrs.

Average 3000 Sq.. Ft. home - 5.5 Hrs.

​Residential Cleaning Pricing

All prices are billed by time.

Minimum time is 2.5 Hours

Time is billed by 1/2 hour increments.

$5.00 additional charge for first and one time visits.


Bi-Weekly / Monthly


2.5 Hrs.
3.0 Hrs.
3.5 Hrs.
4.0 Hrs.


4.5 Hrs.
5.0 Hrs.
5.5 Hrs.
